Thursday, January 30, 2014

Meeting With The Panel of Specialist

Last evening was the appointment with my specialist, Dr. Zimmermann, in front of his colleagues, to look at my x-rays, and discuss my situation. Of course, it was a medium pain day; isn't that the way it always is?! Day before was worse...
I thought Dean was going to be dropping me off, and I would be sitting there, in front of all those intimidating German doctors, by myself. I was wrong: Dean rebooked his tutourials so he could come with me! (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!)

It was horrible; very intimidating.

They spoke German amongst themselves, of course, and then asked me to give a description of the pain and my situation. They then spoke German amongst
themselves, and asked me to give a bit of information about the accident and what have you. They then spoke German amongst themselves, then asked me to explain the last surgical procedure I received: cervical medial branch nerve block (or sometimes known as cervical facet joint block), and to which areas: third occipital nerve, medial branches C3, C4, C5 and C6 on both left and right.
Man I am glad I kept all that information from the e-mail the last surgeon wrote me!

One of the doctors came over and manipulated my neck, (OUCH!!!) while asking more questions - then they spoke German amongst themselves.

Then I was dismissed, so they could "look at my situation, and discuss possible next steps".  I am hoping they say it's time for the radiofrequency ablation of the cervical medial branch nerves, (nerve severance) which last for 18-24 months!

I will just have to wait until my next appointment with Dr. Z, in two weeks, to find out the consensus.

Dean said I did great; he was amazed how well I did.
I was fine on the outside - basketcase on the inside!
At least I didn't cry until after we left the room of doctors.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Way to hang in there Gena! So glad Dean went for moral support!! It's awful to feel alone with a scarey thing! Am praying for positive response from the doctors!