Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Beginning Of 2014

New Years Eve, we brought in the new year with a coworker of Deans, Phillip, a very nice British man.
I found myself in an apartment with five men, Dean being the only straight one - hahaha, that's funny!
The view of Frankfurt was great from Phillip's apartment, and the fireworks we got to enjoy from there was awesome! He is on the 17th floor, so you could see the fireworks in Frankfurt as well as many of the surrounding towns. Perfect!

Then on New Years Day, Dean and I hopped into the car, (James had gone on the train boxing day, so was already there) and drove to Dresden.
You can't even imagine how excited I was to see my little man; I had not seen Elias since summer, and that was way too long ago!
He is so cute, so big, so smiley, and so so so very well behaved! He listens when told not to do something, and you usually don't have to say it twice; his mama has been working with him, this is obvious, it shows in many different areas.
He is very much like James at that age: talkative, inquisitive, talkative, active, talkative, obedient, and very very cute.  >^_^<
It was just like watching James all over again.

Seeing the two of them together was awesome!
Elias loves his daddy, that's for sure; he would grin every time he saw James, or heard his voice.

My heart swelled every time I saw, watched, played with, chased, snuggled.... well basically any time I had anything to do with the little monkinew!
Man I love him - way way way too much; so much it actually hurts sometimes!
I get all sappy, it's just what I do - can't seem to help it.

<---   It was so cold out, and Elias was so good.

Even in restaurants and coffee shops, he behaved so well!

He's just too cool in his mama's glasses! --->

Gave him a little threek, (a fork is too big?) and he ate his muffin no problem. His dexterity is very good.
I am mighty proud of him - his mama has done a great job teaching him.

His Grampa enjoyed him very much - and Elias lit right up whenever he saw Grampa! It was so cute, and made my heart burst every time.  >^_^<  I love those two.

Then it was time to walk back to the car; time to say goodbye and head home to Dreieich... shoot, that was over way too fast!
I mean seriously, look at him, crap he's cute!
How could you not fall head over heals in love with this little monkinew?
I sure did!!

No, I didn't bawl... but yes, there were tears;
on my part anyway.
Quiet, secret tears.

Then the five hour drive home.

Filled my time watching for castles - random castles which pop up in just about any location, love it, sometimes there would be one right across the road from another one!

One on the right side of the road,
and one on the left side...

Wonder if, whenever they had a disagreement, they would lob cannons at eachother back in the day?
Just wondering.

Hope you had a fantastic beginning to your new year too.


Lois said...

He is WAY too cute. Oh my.

Sean Tm said...

Looking Great all -happy New Year-