Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Back In Germany.

My flight home was fairly long... quite long actually.
Pain level was very high; I tried everything: meds, breeze, TENS, meds, geronimo, wine, chocolate, meds, stretches, sleep, meds - nothing was helping.
I knew the last leg of the journey was not going to be cool when, add to the pain, the gentleman beside me was a seat-hog right from the get go!   *grrrr
For awhile there I thought he was going to lay on my shoulder like the young man did for three hours during one of my previous flights; the young man I did not mind (he was James age) but this guy - no thnx!

Gotta tell you, the airport gates in Toronto, Ontario for international flights, is unlike any airport I have ever been in before - and I have been in a lot of them!
It's not just an area with rows and rows of seats; the waiting area actually has tables and chairs, or counter space with stools, and each spot has an iPod for you to use if you would like, (wi-fi included).
Nice perk!

Add to that, there were little bar/cafes all over the place, with tables containing iPods as well.
You sit down, have a look at the menu to see if there is something you would like to order, place your order on the iPod and wait.  In a short while, your order is brought right to you.
If you choose not to order something, no big deal, you can just sit there and surf on the iPod anyway.
Sweet deal; every airport should be set up just like this, it makes the four hour layover go by quicker.

Was nice to get home to my babies; they definitely missed me, they were velcro kitties for the next couple of days without break!   ≧◉◡◉≦
They didn't even run away after I clipped their nails, AND Frau Rosey let me look in her mouth while she was sitting on my lap; looks like she has no more than, maybe, two teeth. 
My little toothless kitty...  ⌣́︹⌣̀

Monday began with a physio appointment - walking to and from in the rain.   .\ ︹ /.

The sky was dark grey, and hanging low; was not a happy make you smile kind of weather.
Quite a change from Arizona and Mexico the last few weeks.
A-well, back to normal to guess.

They are supposed to be "winter" boots, and I did spray them before wearing them, however by the time I got home my socks were quite wet.
Guess I will have to buy a pair of warm rubber boots for next winter. I had seen some, and wondered why a person would have to have lined rubber boots; I have lived here for a winter now, and now I get it.

The walk home was looking all the same: cold, dreary, and wet. Surely there must be something to make the walk not so nasty and depressing?
Right when I thought it could get no yuckier, I saw it:

Schnee!!    ◉o◉

There was actually a small amount of it (snow) on this little kids "leather" chair that was sitting out in someones yard.

And if I looked closely, I could even see some on the ground!
Oh Mexico, why did I leave you?  Why?!!

Surely there had to be something to brighten up my walk?
Of course there is, it's spring time in Germany, therefore there are lots of flowers!

So I will pull out my phone/camera, and focus on those rather than the pissy weather!

Never lived in an area that could grow Forsythia. Pretty.

Forsythia suspensa x Oleaceae

Forsythia suspensa x Oleaceae... with an ant  ≧◔◡◔≦

Those are the best ones.

Whoa, Magnolia, a real one!
I have only actually seen one when we were in San Francisco 107 years ago!
So cool; they are so beautiful.
Even prettier than the pictures you see.

Magnolia x soulangeana "RUSTICA RUBRA"

Same-same, but different.   >‿
Love them.

Magnolia x soulangeana "RUSTICA RUBRA"

This is the coolest little bush - and I think I (actually I know I) have one hidden along the side of the house, where no one can see it! 
I will be moving that out to the front right quick.
So cute.

Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium x Berberidaceae)

This is actually a bit of a tree, which makes me think it just may be a crab apple of some sort perhaps? Or maybe a cherry?
Won't know until summer... if I remember to check a look again, (if I remember where I saw it by then).

Wild viola! I love them  
They are little smiles popping up here and there ❀‿❀

Viola reichenbachiana x violaceae

This, I believe, is a clematis... just not sure which one. Once again, I will have to look closer and see if I can find out.

This one I have no idea - but man is it beautiful!
So pretty, and yet they have it in a spot where it gets lost. A flower like this needs to be front and center!
Silly people.
These photos are from a bunch of different Rhododendron bushes, all of which are in my yard.
They are unlike any I've seen before... mind you, being as they do not grow in any zone I have lived before, that's not hard to do.
So beautiful!

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