Friday, January 2, 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Spent a couple of days in Dresden, got to play with Elias a bit, then home to bring in the New Year - just the three of us: Dean, James, and me.  ≧'◡'≦

We bought our own little (not that little actually) firework arsenal pack, and went out in front of our home just before midnight to do our best imitation of the locals - we did... alright; 
they, however, did much better!    0_0

Funny thing - when I sent one of the videos of all the fireworks going off on our front street to Sharon, she responded with "Wow, any of hit you yet?"
I received the question seconds before James had some shrapnel land on him!  Hahaha.  ϡ

Spent the first day of the year sitting back, enjoying a relaxing day (doing laundry and getting ready) before heading for
Amsterdam on the second. 

We drove here today, the landscaping is beautiful - and the SUN was SHINING!  
Yaaaay, sunshine  ◠◡◠

We went for dinner at a North Korean restaurant just down the road, (recommended by the guy we are renting the suit from) because we were intrigued by the idea... North Korea, really? 
After dinner, which was good, we asked the waitress if it was truly North Korean food; yes, she assured us it was. Then we asked her where she was from, and she said, (as if it was a ridiculous question) Pyongyang, North Korea.
So then all the way home we are imagining her story; surely she has escaped because everyone knows no one is allowed to leave North Korea!
We're wrong.
You're allowed to leave if you're a member of the DPRK,  related to the leader of the country, or his aunt who owns the restaurants in a number of countries so they can enjoy information, as well as money, from foreign countries... 
*boo  They got our money. 
Hmph, wish we knew beforehand.    ๏̯̃๏

Well, now we know: never again North Korean.

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