Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thirty Years Later.

I have the most amazing, supportive, awesome husband in the whole world. 
He also, by the way, does double duty as my best friend. 
I respect him more than anyone I have ever met. 
He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, and he makes sure that I know he loves me basically every day – even after 30 years of marriage! 
Sometimes I think I am still learning about who he is, but I am always intrigued by his ideas, and how his brain works - which it seems never stops! 
He never lets me down, and he cheers me on in everything I do or try; 
even if I don’t think I can do something, he does. 

The last number of years has taken us to many different, interesting places; 
bringing new adventures and challenges along the way! 
I have done so many things I said I never would, some I never thought possible, and some I was even told I could never do. 
Dean has stood by my side through all my challenges, both the new ones, and the old. 
He has never stopped believing in me; I am so thankful for that! 
Some may choose to call us nomads, as we have moved so many times over these past thirty years; lately even moving to different parts of the world! 
However, I can assure you, I know where my home is: 
my home is wherever my husband, my lover, my best friend is. 
My home is wherever Dean is.


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