Sunday, January 25, 2015

Winter... *schnee

Yes, the snow is great big fluffy flakes, which while they come down are really quite pretty - if the sun could shine at the same time, well it would be very beautiful.
However, it's not, thus it's not.

Just makes one want to burrow far beneath a warm cushy blanket and have a nap. 
A four month long nap.

~ Even Fritz! ~
I was wrapped in this blanket video chatting with Sharon, Fritzi came over, burrowed beneath it and began pushing it away from me, so that he could have it to himself!

Once he had commandeered my blanket, he got himself all comfy, and went for the nigh-night!
He actually stayed under there for quite a while - but then why not, when the weather outside is yucky = NAP!
That's what I say about that. Unless you're this little guy - in which case you have to fly around and eat as much as you can so you stay warm and ALIVE!
Winter  *boo 

            ...  schnee  *ugh

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