Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Decorations, √

First Christmas in our home for many years, so haven't decorated for ... well, for that long! Feels good.
 Ta-da; it's Christmas at the Kokonas'. Wanna come over? I'll make Glühwein!  >^_^<
 The star in the window is the one we bought when we lived in Dresden; I love it! The star on the tree is going to be gone as soon as we buy an angel - soon, and very soon.
 I love this. Bought it when we were living in Dresden, in the little town called Goerlitz, on the German Poland border. Bought it right from the man who made it, as he was making it. Great little town; I liked it better than Prague, Czech Republic.  
 We have a boy, and a girl - representing our James, and our Stephanie. We bought them in Dresden.

My chimney sweep is smoking.. but you can't see the smoke -
I am sad!
We bought him, of course, when we lived in Dresden, from the Christmas town of Seiffen. Awesome town.
I wanna go back there.

That's our home as it appears right now - so I am ready for a party!
It's in the planning as we speak.
Christmas Party Time.

1 comment:

Lois said...

I just put up my German star. Mine doesn`t have a light in it though. Your house looks really nice. Christmas decorations another positive.