Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two Kitties, Two Personalities.

My kitties personalities are as different from eachother as my childrens personalities are different from eachother!

Little Rosey is a quiet, timid little mouse who loves to just sit contentedly on my lap and soak up some serious "me time".

Wherever I am, if I am not up moving around, she will come and join me.

She begins with a few quite, sometimes silent, meows, then will jump up onto my lap.

Or up onto my chest if I happen to be laying down, like say at bedtime.

She will lay there for as long as possible; until either I fall to sleep, or Fritz comes into the room and tells her she has to leave.

Yes, she will leave if he says she has to - she is the submissive one; he is the alpha male.

I did not say she was well behaved... she knows what she is supposed to, or not supposed to do, but that doesn't mean she does as is expected - hence the scratch marks on our table; when she hears us coming she quickly jumps down and runs to where she knows she is allowed to be.

Allowed on the proper kitty places, you know, like the ones we paid a lot of money for them to have... and enjoy? Or not.

Actually, since I moved one into the "winter garden" (sun room) she does enjoy going onto it - whenever I am in there that is. And the other one I moved into the bedroom, so will sleep on top of that one once Fritz takes over the bed.

I do still find her, once in awhile, in places I would prefer she not be - like under the Christmas tree for instance.

I am sure she thinks I put this soft blanket under the tree just for her... yes, definitely.

She is cute, and she is sweet, so how do you get mad?  Besides, if I were to raise my voice at her I am sure she would faint right away! She would probably hide for the next three days!   0_0

On a couple of occasions, only a couple, she has actually stayed in the bedroom when Fritz came in!

Can't say I was too upset at having them both there, laying on me, while we slept the night away >^_^<

As sneaky and naughty as Rosey can be, Fritz is well behaved, and learns very quickly; you only have to tell him something once, and he complies - Rosey, not so much.

Now Herr Fritz is the bold, strong, inquisitive kitty. He has to check-a-look at everything, investigate all nooks and crannies, leave nothing unexplored.

He is also my morning kitty. Morning beginning often in the wee hours, he will come and join me in bed. He is careful now, and always waits until Dean is asleep before moving up, knowing not to ever go over by Dean's head, (he only had to be launched once to learn that lesson) then he will move on up to sleep on me.  In this photo, he fell asleep, his head literally plunked down onto my chin, and he began little kitty snores - he was completely out!

He too is a snuggle hog, however it has to be on his terms, at his appointed time.

You can never make him feel that he is being held, he must be able to come and go at will.

But you must also scratch him, and scratch him, and scratch him some more!

While you have to be so gentle with Rosey, quite the opposite with Fritz; he doesn't want to be pet soft, he wants a deep rough scratch, and a few smacks on the rump make him happy - the rougher the better.

It's purrfect - one cat for Dean to rough up, and one cat for me to snuggle!

Fritz it so funny, another point of his character that I love is his constant chirping and making little noises. He chirps, chunters, meows, and even sighs (yes sighs, loudly) when he is sleeping. Too cute  >^_^<

Didn't realize how much I missed kitties until I got them again; I really do love kitties! Dean really missed them too actually, and is recognizing how much.

They are so wonderful to have around!!

Even just to have in the room, peacefully curled up purring contentedly - purrrfect! 

1 comment:

Lois said...

This really makes me miss TC