Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Week in Pictures

Picked up a few veggies for the beginning of the week, so my ripen-counter is occupied for a few days. 

While we were heading out of our favorite little mom/pop grocery store, I took a look in the yard beside where we parked the car. Chickens!!
There are at least half a dozen beautiful Rhode Island Reds clucking around in this persons yard!
Whoa, that is so cool! Didn't know you could have chickens in town... probably aloud to have the hens, but not the roosters? 

As I was walking to work I noticed that the forsythia bushes are blooming. It's such a pleasant touch of sunshine on a dull, cloudy day.

It is sometimes nice to be out walking either to or from work; I do wish it was not so muddy and messy. By the time I get to my destination I am rather dirty...
Soon it will be dry, and the sun will shine and shine and shine - I am so looking forward to that!

How do I know this is coming soon? Well, simple, looks what's happening to my lawn:

Crocus' are coming up and blooming!
They are all over my side lawn, and when I say all over, I mean ALL OVER!
So many of them, and they are so pretty!!

They just make me smile - every time I see them!  >^_^<

In the mean time, burrrr!
Last week, upon getting home from work on Thursday, I noticed the house was colder than usual. Upon further investigation, I discovered none of the heaters were working. No, I did not go downstairs to check-a-look, I decided that was a boy job. When Dean got home, he went and checked a look, and decided it was a landlord problem - so we lit a fire. Was nice to have a fire... however, when the landlord got home and she called the people to fix it, they said they would come back the next day. Another night without heat. It's nice to have the fire for heat - but is rather expensive and not very efficient.   There are now phone numbers posted on the "appliances" downstairs; think she's trying to say something?

One more thing from my week:

This is the view of the science room across from my art room at school.
Interesting class?

This is my last week cover teaching the art classes; I am okay with that.
I don't like working full time, or even almost full time - part time is good enough for me. 
Having my own private students again would be perfect. 

1 comment:

Lois said...

So you will have to look into getting your own students after March. The crocuses are gorgeous. Maybe you could have chickens!!!