Sunday, May 11, 2014

Funny Looking Bird

The last time I checked, bird feeders were for supplying food to such critters as you see here in this photo... apparently this is not always the case, as you see in the next two photos:

This little guy is checking-a-look, and seems rather interested in the contents of the containers below.
After scoping the situation for a few... seconds actually,

down he goes; snack time.
He actually hung onto the feeder, eating what would come out easily, then when there weren't any coming out easily, he shook it while hanging there so as to readjust the nuts, moving more little ones that he could pull out.
Smart little bugger!
No problem - good to go.
What with all the rain we had today, (as you see by the drops on his coat) I don't blame him for wanting a nice, easy, tasty snack!
Wonder what Frau Carnarius thinks of this?

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