Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Neck Pain Update

Went for a meeting with the specialist a couple of days ago; he didn't have the report from my x-rays and CT scan, and didn't seem to see/know much when looking at the pictures himself.
He prescribed a new medication, the precious one made me very nauseous. This new medication should help with the pain, as well as the fibromyalgia - so that's cool ~ bonus.
I began taking this medication yesterday, but haven't seen a change yet... always hoping for instant results.     >^_^<     *sigh
He has also quadrupled the intake of the muscle relaxant medication I am on, so I may be a walking noodle for the next little while!  Hahaha - throw that onto the chronic fatigue... Like I am not tired enough, but it it helps, I am game!
I will be going in for another appointment with my specialist, as well as a separate appointment with him and his colleagues (large group) of specialists again, (*boo) in a couple of weeks.
In the mean time, the pain has progressively been getting worse, and the headaches more intense; so I REALLY hope this new medication works.

Good news is: we are heading to the airport in a couple of hours - flying off to some warmth, sunshine, and serious DIVING!  Yaaaay.
We will be spending eight hours in Korea, touring around, checking-a-look at the country so many of my good friends come from 
Then onwards to Palau to check out some of the best diving in the world - I am super pumped!!

1 comment:

Lois said...

An update please. It is now well into May