Thursday, June 12, 2014

Another Specialist Appointment

Today was yet another appointment, with the specialist in Frankfurt, to get an update on the decision of the panel of specialists, and what they think would be the best next procedure. Apparently they unanimously feel that not any of the possible surgeries would be advantageous, therefore this is not an option. The recommendation: it is felt an increase in my (already too high in my opinion) dosage of pain control medication is necessary.
Therefore I will be increasing the intake, and thus may appear to be a walking zombie when you see me next.
The positive in this: my pain will be… perhaps slightly managed? I don't know if this will actually be the case; I think a better explanation is the pain sensation will be altered. What I'm finding is, the pain is still present, however it has changed: rather than being an intense, severe pain, it feels more numb, a constant almost aching pain. As well, my previously described lightning bolt shots of pain, which would result in a lingering sharp pain after, has become the same intense lightning bolt shot pain, however the residual pain has become a numb bruised feel. Better.

A really funky thing is, now that they have shown me the x-rays, and explained them to me, I think I can pinpoint where the pain is on different days. For example, today I would say my C-1 is extremely sore, the base of my skull is throbbing, but my C3 feels really good. At least I think that's correct… Then again, perhaps it's all just in my head.
HAHAHAHA - now that was funny! Please tell me you smiled.  >^_^<

The specialists also unanimously felt it would be advantageous for me to see an osteopath. I did this in Singapore, and while it felt nice during this session, I found afterwards I was exhausted and quite sore. Also, in Singapore, I had to pay for it myself, therefore it was rather expensive. I'm unsure as whether or not we have coverage for this here in Germany…?
So, a summary of my appointment today: I left feeling defeated, frustrated, disappointed, and very sore (physically and emotionally).
Pain level today is very high.
Tolerance level today is very low.
Fortunately, I tutor tonight, therefore I have something to hopefully distract me from the pain and frustration. Also, I will be cover teaching on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday; I think this is a good thing, as short stints of teaching help keep my mind off the pain, and my focus elsewhere. I really enjoy the kids. This is good.
And best of all, I have my little Herr Fritzie - who loves me tons, and always knows when I need to be snuggled and loved on. He is always ready with cuddles when I need them! This is really good!


Lois said...

I guess that there is not a whole lot that a person can say back to this, but that we love you and hang in there.
The osteopath would probably help. What exactly do they do?
The teaching is probably good for you, another interest outside of yourself.
Hugs and love to you

Unknown said...

Wow Gena. Like your mom said, what is there to say?There's obviously a reason why nobody will do surgery. I wonder if there's something better in the States. A friend of mine found extreme migraine relief there through a dental appliance.Not cheap. But the only thing that has kind of worked in years.