Thursday, June 5, 2014

Herr Fritz vs. Birdy...

I was outside in the garden, and had left the patio door open as per usual.

I had seen Fritzie out on the patio a couple of times, which is also the norm; except for the fact that I had to tell him to get back onto the patio a couple of times; not the norm.

Really, I was not paying much attention... however, perhaps I should have been!
When I went into the house to get some plant food, well, there was a trail - of feathers.
Whoa, what the heck?
Not cool.

A fair few feathers... in a number of places.
Wow, I knew he was a good fly catcher/eater, but really - a bird, and so quickly and quietly?
"You better have eaten it, you bad boy." I called as I followed the trail hither and thither, and yet leading no place.
"You better not have it in my bedroom, you bad boy!"
... no, seriously, you better not have...

Naturally, where else would you take a gift for the mommy - but her bedroom of course.

He was in the bedroom, laying beside the little bird, just... well, just laying there beside the little bird: not doing anything. The bird was not doing anything either - except breathing, rapidly.

Poor thing.
Little guy was scared to death... well, not death, not yet anyway.

He looked... sort of... well, freaked right totally out actually.
His future didn't look too promising at this point, to be honest, but I wasn't going to end it (nope).
Stupid cat.

Oh look, speaking of the rotten bugger - he came to check-a-look to see if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing with the gift he gave me... whatever that is?   (*eww)

I put the bird back outside, away from the house, (not that I was going to let the cat back outside!) in hopes that it would live.
Well, there is a fifty-fifty chance; one of two things will happen:
the bird will live, and fly away, find a spouse, and make more baby birdies for Fritz to torment.
Or, the bird will feed the neighbours cat.
Both are productive, I guess.

Nature - not always the nicest of things.

1 comment:

Lois said...

That definitely looks like a baby. I remember when TC brought me a gift and laid it on my pillow (dead).