Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Went to my family doctor the other day, and we were discussing the pain medications and dosage the specialists have me on. We decided to keep one of the medications at the highest level I am on, but to try taking the other one only occasionally; "as needed".

Well, after a few days of doing that, nope... apparently the specialist knew what they were talking about. 

I will go back to taking it more frequently - but still don't want to take as many as they recommended; it just seems like so much crap going into my me, and I only have one me so I'd like to keep it working properly for a while longer!
Who knew the pain could be so intense some days? Whoa, not cool.

Weather the past few days has been very overcast and cold... does this mean winter is here already? - it's still August! I had forgotten how dreary it is in Germany in the winter. Today it rained basically all day long.

I wanted/need to get outside and pull a few weeds, deadhead, and just spruce up my garden a little bit - but the weather is not agreeing with that! I will have to just suck it up, bundle up, go out and do it anyway; maybe tomorrow.

Oh wait, it can't be tomorrow; I have to go to the school to video Dean being doused in ice-water by a few of his students during the school assembly.    

Now that should be fun!   ヅ

Greg nominated Dean for the "ice-bucket challenge", which is taking over the inter-web these days, to raise money for ALS research. Dean thought it would be a great opportunity to teach the kids to think about others who are in situations like this and how they can so their part to help. 

He is going to challenge every student to donate €1, and every teacher to donate €2. We'll see how that goes, (teachers tend to be very stingy with their money).

I am hoping it quits raining soon - otherwise the walk tomorrow will be very muddy if I choose to take the forest rout to school. 
May have to walk the longer way, staying on the sidewalks along the roads.   シ

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