Monday, September 15, 2014

Off To Dresden Again.

I wrote this on the train during our return (six hour) trip home from Dresden:

We got up at 4:15 on Saturday morning, so we could get to the train station on time to catch the 5:25 train to Dresden, (⊙﹏☉ six hour train ride) –
time to go see two of favourite peeps.   ʘ‿ʘ

The weather in Dresden this past weekend was pissy –
the whole weekend.

It was a bit of a reminder as to what the weather was like when we were living there…   eww.

Thankfully Dreieich is not like that;      mind you,

last year in Dreieich was apparently a very mild winter, so we will see if perhaps it is the same living there as it was in Dresden?

Oh-my-word I sure hope not!
It will be a veeeeeeery long winter if that is the case.
Not cool.

Seeing my wee babe was so awesome, and I loved it!

♥  I loved seeing him.
I loved playing with him.  
♥  I loved laughing with him and chasing him.

♥♥♥ I love him. ♥♥♥

I do wish I lived closer, and could see them a lot more.
One way it would be good is that it would give me my Elias fix, as well as give him the opportunity to learn English… right now he is not learning it at all, understandably, and it is really my fear and worry that he will not learn it well, and thus won’t know what his Gramma is saying to him when we get together!
I know, you say: "he is young, he will learn, give him time".
That is true, mostly.

However knowing this does not, in any way, change or alter my experience this weekend.
Yes, it was so awesome seeing him.                                                        Spending a little bit of time with him.

Being amazed by his hand-eye co-ordination!

Watching his independence,
              and seeing how grown-up he is becoming.

The weather matched my mood/experience.
You can’t imagine my helplessness, and frustration, when I am together with him and he is talking to me, in German of course, and I don’t know what he is saying to me!
It broke my heart, and I almost cried the first time it happened.

It was downhill from there;  just devastation with major frustration, because I knew that not only did I not know what he was saying to me, but as I was talking to him he had no idea what I was trying to say to him either!

It rained the entire weekend -
both outside as well as in my heart.
Right now with no one speaking to him in English, there is no way he will learn it any time soon – which means that every time I get together with him it will be no different; actually it will be worse because he will recognize the frustrations of it more, as he begins speaking more. Well, why would he want to see/spend time with that lady he can’t understand? That’s boring and frustrating.

My heart is so broken right now, it is completely in my shoes!
Absolutely, completely and entirely.  ๏̯̃๏

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