Monday, September 8, 2014

Something That Gives Me Great Pleasure,

And much frustration at the same time.
Herr Fritz is a my cat; he follows me everywhere, and has become a velcro addition to my being. I don't mind this.
What I do mind is his fussiness when it comes to food - he seems to have yuck-mouth syndrome: if something does not feel just right in his mouth, he spits it out, at the same time he shakes his head. This of course results in the food going everywhere, except into him. Add to this, he is THE most picky eater I have ever seen! I have bought, and made, the best for him - he will have nothing to do with it. He WANTS to eat the dry crumble crap you are not supposed to feed cats...
Dean says "Fine, if it takes two years off his life, whatever; there are more cats out there."
I want to give him the best, but he doesn't want it.
Great pleasure, and much frustration all wrapped up in a very soft, personable little kitty, (actually, he's not very little... at all)
Oh well, apparently he is replaceable.
I kinda like him though...  

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