Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Another Doctor...

The specialist wanted me to go see an osteopathic doctor; I said okay.
I tried to get into the one he recommended, but they said: "because you don't have private insurance you can not afford to see him, so we will not make an appointment for you". 
Okay, whatever, (la-tee-da).

So, I made an appointment at a clinic in the little town by/connected to us, and tried to get in to see the female doctor. However, she was booked into the next month, so she scheduled me with the male doctor which worked in the same office.
The appointment was made on a date when Dean was in the States, working on his Doctorate, so I had the car, therefore had to get myself to the appointment - no problem,

I have Gertrudé, (the navigation system). She'll get me there.
Or not... For some reason (can't be the inputter!) she thought I should go to some street by the same name in the far south end of Germany!
Oh. My. Word.   ☉̃ₒ☉

I was driving toward Frankfurt - I knew this was not the right way; AAAAHHHHHHH - this meant I had to get off the autobahn... NOT COOL!

As you can probably guess, I was an hour late for my appointment, therefore it didn't happen. Understandably.  
Oh-My-Frustrations, Batman!   ٩(×̯×)۶
This was indeed a tear inducing situation!

Actually, it turned out to be a good thing, as that appointment was with the male doctor and I discovered this would not have been a happy thing; not for me anyway!
I felt I should see the female doctor. I was correct.
So my second appointment, same clinic with a female doctor, finally happened - over a month later.
Of course this did not happen without incident.   ಠ_ಠ
I was heading to the office on foot, so it was by a different route.
I had the directions on my phone through Google map, and was following it, I thought, very closely. Again, no problem, right?
Wrong. I so suck at this!
I ended up sooooooo lost, oh-my-goodness, not funny.
I was walking very fast, at times even running! I was half an hour late. Boo!
I was so embarrassed, and extremely hot and sweaty. Gross.
Anyway, I got there.

After the usual barrage of questions, and initial small exam, she told me to take my clothes off down to my underwear. I was waiting for her to tell me where the cover up "gown" was… no gown.

SO GLAD IT WAS A WOMAN DOCTOR!   (laying there for an hour in my skimpies) 

Had I known this was going to be the case, I would have chosen different underwear…oh well.
I know for next time.

Yes, there is a next time; a few next times actually.
And for those next times, I am going prepared:
I am wearing my granny-undies!


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