Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Consultation Done, Septoplasty Scheduled

Surgery is scheduled for Friday morning... and man am I nervous!
I don't think, to this extent, I've ever been this freaked out about something, ever before; septoplasty - sounds like a kids craft? But still, YIKES!
I think it is because of the thought of them being right in my face, literally!

Thankfully the surgeon has a great sense of humour, as does the anaesthesiologist.
Thankfully they put me under to do the surgery.
Thankfully it is all done with laser.
Thankfully there is NO PACKING!!
Thankfully the recovery (complete) is only 6 weeks.
Thankfully I will be able to breath afterwards.
Thankfully I should be able to run again afterwards, and breath while doing so.
Thankfully I should be able to sleep so much better afterwards.

Maybe... it will fix the runny nose issue I have?
Maybe... it will ease some of the pressure on my neck somehow? (Not sure how, but I'm allowed to hope).
Maybe... it will ease some of the headaches?
Maybe... it will make my nose shrink a bit?
Maybe... I'll wake up rich, brilliant, and beautiful...
Why not? If you're going to dream, dream big!

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