Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Quick, You Must Do Everything - Hurry Up!

Working full-time makes it so hard to get everything done, but it doesn't lessen the desire, or feeling that everything must get done.
Super wifey to rescue... I can do it.
Pantry is organized -  √
So very much more I to do, and must get it all done today, because I have to work tomorrow.

I think I can,
     I think I can,
          I think I can....

Okay, maybe I can't.
What the heck?
How come when you have tons to do, and are trying to be all organized to get it all done right, everything goes wrong?

WHOA, a whole pot of rice!
Don't lift the lid: the steam will scald your hands, causing you to knock the whole thing all over the place.
Sick; that so sux!

Okay, back to it.
Got the ironing going, washer's washing, doing my marking, lesson planning, baking, cooking... yes, 
I think I can - remember? 
Just a slight (major time consuming) hick-up.

As I worked on my "I think I can", (but couldn't) still clean-up, I spilled all the squash seeds, which were waiting to be roast, all over the place.
Thankfully I had just finished wiping the entire counter, (plus the cupboards, drawers, fridge, floor, rug is in the washer now, and I've steam cleaned the floor to get the sticky off) so I knew the seeds were still clean clean; fine to roast.
Not today.

Another thankfully: I had already removed the squash from the steamer, so didn't spill it all over the entire universe as well... so my over-steamed squash was still safe (and still over-steamed).   .\_/.
I still think I can,
     I still think I can, 
          I still think I can...

Okay: got the bananas ready (slightly overripe) and time to bake a cake for Deans class.
Not my best, but not my worst either.

Okay, ten Dean shirts pressed, plus one Gena shirt, and a couple of pairs of trousers.
That's not all of them, but at least it is over half finished! 

It's not much more than half, but still, it counts!
√   pantry cleaned up
√   spoonful of rice cooked
√   kitchen floor clean (steamed, spotless)
√   kitchen counter and cupboards clean
√   baking utensil drawer clean
√   all baking utensils in the dishwasher...
√   front of fridge scrubbed down
   squash cooked (and cooked and cooked)
   ironing (half done-ish)
  banana cake baked for students (not the worst) 
  ironing done (ish)

I think I can...   ʘ‿ʘ
I thought I could...      ◑.◑
I did... mostly.   Ⓘ.Ⓘ     
Just not the bestest.   »,«

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