Friday, November 28, 2014

Our Trip to Nürnberg

Time to go to another city in Germany: Nürnberg.

We left directly from the school, and had no time to stop at the house before leaving. We just had enough time to run from the school, literally; I even had to let my class out six minutes early so we could zip to the train station, (the kids did not complain about this at all)!

We went to Nürnberg for two reasons actually:
1) to see a bit of the city
2) for the One Republic concert!

Got to Nürnberg, no problem, found our hotel, (with a bit of searching and a lot of walking) then taxied to the stadium for the concert.

The concert was held in a building located in an area where Hitler once held his rallies; the SS did their impressive marching, demonstrations and such in this huge area,  and some original parts are still standing.

Of course the giant swastika is no longer there, it was blown up at the end of the war by the Americans when they came in and "cleaned up".

The opening band at the concert was a group called Kongo.  
Neither of us had heard of this group before, and were pleasantly surprised.
They were really quite good.
The band consisted of four brothers, from South Africa, who lived in Vancouver, BC for a while, and are now living in Arizona. 
When I mentioned them to James, of course he knew who they were, and said he had been following their music for a number of years now. 
They played a variety of pieces; some being very noisy, and some being really good.

The stadium was packed full; once One Republic began playing I understood why: man are they good!
The lead singer, Ryan Tedder, is SO talented! Not only does he sing fantastic, he is a very accomplished musician, songwriter, and producer!
Wow.  ⊙.⊙

When we got to the stadium and had to find our seats, I thought Dean and I would be sitting apart - Dean was in section 105, and I was in section 104, entering from two different doors.  He went through his door, walked to his row, and went all the way to the middle. I came through my door, and did the same thing; ta-da, we were sitting together.
Too funny.

Sad thing: the guys sitting right next to me was HUGE.

For the first part of the concert, during Kongos performance, I was thinking: "Wow, these seats are really small, and very uncomfortable." Then I realized that the person sitting beside me was overflowing his seat, so much so that I could only sit on a portion of my own seat to avoid "space interference";
apparently this was not a consideration for him...      (≖᷆︵︣≖)

So during the break between performances, I made sure I sat down on my entire seat before he sat down so that I would not be uncomfortable for the whole show. Then, whenever he would begin to sit on my lap, I would bounce that knee to the beat of the music, and he would basically get the message, (or be annoyed).

Part way through the concert he was leaning forward, and it was like having a brick wall in front of me!
Then at the end, during the encore, he stood up (as we all do) and it was even more than a brick wall. He wasn’t such a wall just because of his size; if he would be more aware of those around him, he wouldn’t invade quite to the degree he does. But because he is so inconsiderate to his neighbour, it makes his size even more invasive, (add to that the lack of personal hygiene)!
Oh well, the concert was still awesome, no matter the state of the person encroaching my space!

One Republic was amazing - they did a fantastic performance!

Then we had the whole day, well half of it anyway, to check-a-look at Nürnberg.

What a nice little town... okay, with half a million people perhaps it's a city.

Some very beautiful areas, and a very beautiful day!

I wish I had brought a real camera with me, not just my phone... my Nikon would have been so perfect for the lighting and photo opportunities.
*fail     ಠ_ಠ

We got onto a little old train, one of the original trains from the area, thinking it would be cool to do the tour it offered - to learn a bit about the city of Nürnberg. Well, we were right about one thing: it was a tour train which took you around showing you bits of the city, however it was all auf Deutsch; so much for that
The train did make a stop at a station containing some of the earliest train cars, dating as far back as 1835!
Seeing some of the old things in that museum was very cool - would have been even nicer if it was in English and we knew what we were "reading"; it was cool just the same. 

Once we were back to the beginning, we decided to walk around the altstat (old town). We soon realized we had done it again: planned our trip during a national or provincial holiday - shops closed... *boo
Actually, this probably saved us a shwack of cash - saw some really nice things as we window shopped our way around.

We came across this distillery while wandering, and it was open because the owner has to go in every day to check the distilling items, holiday or not; well, technically it wasn't open, he just happened to be there - therefore we could come in.

What a great little find!
Found the perfect little gift for Dad, and a great Christmas gift for kitty Fritz to give to Frau Carnarius, as well as something Sharon is going to LOVE! 
Was a fantastic stumble upon!

Walking along some of the old street, looking in the shops, Dean spotted these "jewels". 
Check-a-look at the prices on these bracelets and necklaces!
WHOA!  ⁰,⁰
I can make these, and it sure wouldn't cost that much!
Maybe I need to start selling some of my work...

Of course we found a cathedral... or two... or, actually three.

This guys must be very tired, holding this big sculpture like that for so many years!... about 500 years from what I could read, (not really) read, auf Deutsch.

Good thing he had the help of a friend or two!
Oh those silly cathedral people, (actually some beautiful architectural works of art in there!).

Naturally, we said what we always say: "We have to come back here at Christmas time to see the Weihnacht-markt, (Christmas market) it will be beautiful!"
If we go to every town we say that for... whoa, I don't think there are enough days in December!

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