Friday, November 28, 2014


An update on the nose; it's not great. I am still finding the blood, a fair bit. It is still very sore, which is expectable. However the breathing out of the right side has basically regressed to the same as it was before the surgery. The breathing on the left side is fantastic.
I go see the specialist on Monday, and I am eager to hear what he has to say. I am hoping that my worry concerning some of the things coming out of my nose is uncalled for. I am not looking forward to what I think he's going to say about the right nostril… I am afraid he is going to say we have to redo the surgery. That would be a very sad moment.

Update on my working situation, is also very interesting. The kids have been asking me to become their teacher for quite a while now, and even more so the past few days. I have been working full time hours, (not a fan)..

I had said no to the English B position they offered me awhile ago, and today they offered me a position teaching English A. I also said no to that.
If I accept the position, even if it is "part time", then I have to do: all the classroom prep, curriculum writing, assignment correcting and grading, parent-teacher interviews, and write report cards.
No thank you.
Besides, I already have my February planned and booked; I'm not changing that!
I will probably continue working mostly full-time until Christmas, and once that finishes, I think that is enough.
Oh bother.

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