Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Two Out of 750-800 People Every Year

And I'm it - oh lucky me.
Yesterday was my two week follow-up appointment with the specialist, to check the progress of my nose.

First he used his scope to look in the left nostril, then the right. When he put the scope into the left nostril he was pleased with what he saw, however as soon as he put the scope in the right side, he said "This is not good, let me clean the mucus, and have a better look."

He proceeded to get the section apparatus, which by the way is not a small device; not a pleasant experience. My nasal passages are small, and the sucker-upper is not, also he is not gentle.
So across my fresh road rash, he use this device to scrape around and suck the snotty mucus, shed membrane, and blood all the way from the back of my brain - okay maybe not, but that's how it felt.

It hurt so bad, it made my head spin. When he finished he looked at me and said "are you alright? "I thought I was going to faint.
Of course I said I'm fine.

We moved over by his desk so we could discuss the outcome, and he said the right side was basically back to how it was before the operation. I told him I had being very careful with my nose, and he said "I'm not pointing fingers, let's just put it this way… Shit happens."

He then said he does somewhere between 750 and 800 of these surgeries per year, and maybe two have to be redone.
Well, I win… or perhaps that should be loose?
When he said that, I clapped my hands and said "oh yay, it gets to be me."
He laughed at that.

Well the good news is, I don't have to have this done right away, I get to wait until the beginning of March. So I get to enjoy Christmas, New Year's, and my trip to North America, before I have to have this done again.
The other good thing, he said the second time healing is quicker, and I don't have to mess around with the snot cream and such.
I don't know why that is, but whatever, I'm okay with that.

Once again, my body doesn't do as it's supposed to.
Not that that's abnormal for my body, but it does get tiresome. Being normal would be nice once in awhile… at times like this for instance.

I go to school to work ft for a month, and my body begins to shut down:
the headaches begin, the pain increases, and all I want to do is sleep.

Ha, really,  I'm not good for much am I?
Delicate flower.
A little bit useless perhaps.

Sometimes, I don't really like me.             This is one of those times.          Hmph.

Waa, suck it up!
Okay, I am finished now.
Time to move on.

Actually, one last little comment: when I told him I have rhinitis, (or in German: Nasenschleimhautentzündung) he completely dissmissed it - that made me angry... well, angry inside; I didn't say anything.
He said I don't have it, and all would be fine after the recovery from the second surgery.
Okay, now I am done - time to be happy.
I will go begin ironing the pile: 21 of Dean's shirts patiently waiting for me... working ft gets in the way of everyday life!  O﹏o

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