Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I went to the doctor today, to have the tubes removed from my nostrils; that was not even a little pleasant, to say the least.

Actually, for some strange reason, I thought the tube was going to be a small half to one inch unit in each side; no big deal, right? Wrong.
I was not watching as they were removed, however Dean was, and it was not a little one, as I thought it would be; in fact it was probably three inches minimum Dean said, (it grossed him out - I am surprised he watched actually). It felt like a garden hose being pulled from my brain! Nasty.
The first step was to cut the stitches, then pull out the tube; removing the tube from the left nostril, then the right. I think the right tube may have been slightly shorter, as it didn't feel quite as nasty... or maybe I was still reeling from the removal of the left tube?
Next was "vacuuming out the mucus" as the doctor so beautifully put it  - (NASTY is what I call it, and yet a surprising relief at the same time).
I know, you're yucked right out, and I'll have you know: as unpleasant as it sounds, is exactly how unpleasant it truly was!
Now, after all that burning and reshaping of the nostril, I
That was it for that appointment, now I go back and see him in two weeks.
I asked him about the spray that I use for my runny nose, and that situation, and he basically brushed it aside. He said he is 80% sure that that won't be the situation and I won't have any problems with that anymore.
He said he feels that it was a beautiful job and I have perfectly straight lines inside my nose, and if I don't wipe my nose or rub my nose in the next six weeks it should stay that way. He also said he feels that the amount of air I am able to breath right now will be eighty fold in the next six weeks…if he is correct, I will have firehose nostrils! (hope so).

After my appointment with him I went to the osteopathic therapist for my second appointment. This time, I remembered to wear my granny underwear.
As I was laying on the table I was thinking in my mind "ooogyyyy-boooogy", but whenever, if they want me to try this, I will try this.
Once again I was laying on the table in my underwear, while she ran her hands over me touching pressure points or whatever, (I don't know). Sometimes I felt something, sometimes I didn't.
At times, in my mind asI was laying there, I was thinking: "okay that's very strange and different… Now there - she found a sore spot! How'd she find that? How come when she pushes on that sore spot in my arm, it hurts down my leg?… she's pushing on the back of my neck, and my fingers tingle? Interesting. ... Okay, her softly touching the back of my head… very very gently… and I can feel a strange sensation flowing down my leg - whoa, weird! Okay Now she has moved to the top of my head, and my jaw hurts – explained that?! ooooweeeoooo! Oh, finished? Okey dokey - good for another couple of weeks I guess?... whatevs."
And that was that.
Now I go home and baby my VERY sore nose!

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