Sunday, November 16, 2014

Warning - Not Pretty, (gross, actually) Nastiness.

This is how I am to be found the last couple of days - surgery wears a person right out, that's what that does; sucks the energy right out of ya!
It's very unpleasant, and VERY uncomfortable!
And the headache... Oh. MAN.!!   /._.\    Serious, steady, and strong.

I know this next bit is gross, but decided to share it anyway;
Besides, I warned you in the title.

If you look, you can see one of the tubes that was put up inside my nose. There is one one either side.
They are VERY uncomfortable.
I am counting the hours (days) until they get removed. 
Not saying I am looking forward to the event, but am looking forward to having them gone!

Twice a day I have to douche with a salt solution... satanic salt douche, that's what that is - it's of the devil! Wholly Hell that Hurts! Sick, what morbid sadistic sicko thought it would be a good idea to snort salt!?!! 

Then five times a day I have to put this cream up my nose. Why would anyone make nose cream the colour of phlegm? 
I have dubbed it the snot cream. Not pretty going in, and definitely not pretty coming out! 

Herr Fritz absolutely doesn't know what to make of this whole nasty ordeal - he wants that thing off Mommy's nose, and our snuggle time to go right back to the way it was before I came home all broken.

In the meantime, he will just hang out in the little space Daddy left amongst his favourite peeps shoes.

Silly people.

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