Thursday, November 13, 2014

Well, That Was Unpleasant

Hmph, I knew the day was coming: they said I required this surgery about 15-18 years ago... nothing like a little procrastination! 
I didn't do it then because when they described the procedure to me, and the follow up procedures - well, yea, no thnx!!

However, it finally got to the point where I couldn't breath very well standing up, and night time was getting harder and harder to breath/sleep. Jogging had become impossible. 
Alas, the time had come.
Buck up buttercup,
and away we go.

Now, why do you suppose the nurse laughed when I told her I was feeling mighty sexy?

Who knew the nose had so much blood in it?!
It just keeps coming.
I've had to change my gauze a number of times already - gross.

When you look up into my nose, well.... I won't go into details.
You're welcome.
Very strange seeing tubes stuffed up my nose, and sewn into place though. Weird. 

Throat quite hurts, I imagine from the intubation tube used during the surgery? Oh well, probably just a bit bruised?

Hmm, I wish I could remember what they told me about the NasenspĆ¼lsalz und Nasendusche, das Nasensalbe, und das Antiphlogistikum/Antirheumatikum 600,  und Clindamycin.

Why do I need to take an antibiotikum, remind me please?
Well, I do know why I need to take the painkillers.
Yup I do.

So, what do you think - does my nose look shorter?


Nope; same-same.   
But better. 

Think I'll take a nap... and a painkiller, or two.


Heidi said...

Heal quickly Gena! And hope it helps with ALL the changes your desire - but I'm wondering how you could be even MORE brilliant and beautiful than you already are??? ;)

Gena said...

Hahaha, Heidi, you may just take that back after reading the blog post I just put up!?!!
Thank you for the well wishes; I am hoping for the same! >^_^<

Unknown said...

Antiobiotikum are probably to keep an infection from setting in?