Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Medieval Weihnachtsmarkt 2014

The setting is in the town of Esslingen, just outside of Stuttgart, Germany.

We traveled to Stuttgart by train, right after school Friday evening.
Then in the morning, got up, went back to the train station, headed for Esslingen, (quick ride).

One of the first things we saw upon arrival, of course,
an old cathedral. We'll have to go back to investigate more of the actual town, it's quite beautiful.
But for today - we are here for the medieval market, not the town.

As we entered the area where the regular Christmas market was, we were greeted by these little elves, sitting upon the roof of one of the shop huts;
how cute are they?!

Some of the huts had fresh cheese, different deli meat selections, and what have you, but this hut had fish being smoked right then and there; that was cool.

Of course, as with every German Christmas market, they had their own huge Christmas carousel pyramid, (Weihnachtspyramide).
I think I've decided I want to buy one like this…
perhaps on a smaller scale though.

The gateway to the medieval market area was unmistakable - well done!
Great entrance to the wonders held within.
Let the FUN begin!!  ≧◠ᴥ◠≦

The stalls were all set up perfectly to depict the "era",
(was that really an era?).

Complete with glühwein galore!

Really cool - you could take your wee one in to have them trained properly in the art of dragon slaying!
Correct cross-bow handling and all.
A beneficial skill every three year old should have, wouldn't you agree?!   ◡‿◕

Then, when they are finished slaying the dragons in the area, they can go for a whirr 'round the "man-powered" merry-go-round.

Actually, I saw a couple of adults riding it too.   ^.^

It was so cool seeing the stalls set up, with the shop owners dressed in full period fashion, showing some of the trades of the time (more or less).

Some less than more... wait, what? Pirates?
Hmm, I didn't know there were pirates roaming the area back then - or, actually, even now for that matter?!
Me thinks he just liked the get-up.
And rightly so, he wears it well.

Okay, back to the medieval; yea, like this guy.
Well, maybe he's a little too clean to be a true medieval; I think he had a bath more than once this year - but he makes a good glühwein,
and I have the cup to prove it!   ◠◡◠

Yaaaay - I have the cup, with the year and the name of the medieval market town.
( √  check)

Interesting outfit.
Don't know what they were selling.
They were deep in conversation.
Must have been of medieval importance?!

Whoa, pig on a stick!

Yes, he was tasty.  ●‿●
Kinda knew he would be, judging by the number of people in line waiting to taste him.
Worth the wait.   '@'

Have to come back when it's not so overcast and yucky out so I can take a good photo of this building.
Cool building.
The town had quite a few cool buildings judging by my really quick look around.

Had some awesome alleyways/streets, and homes too - but that's to be investigated on a town visit, not a medieval visit.

 ⁰,⁰  Back to the market!

Now we're talking:
Dean found his newest tool for effective classroom management.
Control shall be had.

Now there's a man of importance!
The medieval blacksmith.
This gentleman played the part beautifully: grimy, grungy, friendly and talented!

If you look at the anvil,  ⇦⇦  you will see his hammer, plus another wee hammer     ⇨⇨ 
in action; he was showing kids how it's done, and they got to participate!
Now that's cool!

Hahaha - look at this little booth guard!
How cute is he?
I thought of James immediately when I saw him... 
actually I thought of James constantly throughout the market! 
He would have really enjoyed this market.

You see them around every corner in Germany at Christmas time.
You'll even find them laying on the ground, under the Chestnut tree of course! 
Apparently they are not all eatable though, so best to leave them laying there.

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!
Jack Frost was nipping at our nose.
Didn't hear any yuletide carols,
and people were dressed up like... 
medieval merchants actually.
Hmm. Well - back to the chestnuts: 
they were being tended to diligently by this "medieval stall-man",
And they were YUUMMMY!    ≧◑‿◑≦

This medieval stall-man was making note-books,
the old way!

And this mid... hmm, actually he really didn't look very medieval. 
He also wasn't making or selling anything medieval-ish either.
But man did have the beat!
He was jammin' big time, and was very good.
He was, of course, selling his CDs. 
A man's got to make a living.

That was the end of our medieval day; it was back to Stuttgart, to wander around the regular Weihnachtsmarkt for a short time, (way too many people!) then dinner before we boarded the train for the two hour ride home.

Was a wonderful medieval weekend.


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