Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Post Christmas Dresden Visit

I love reading stories to little ones;
Christmas time in Germany is magical;
I think this is my new dream job! 

Look at this Oma, sitting in the mall, reading stories to kids as they sit in great big beanbag chairs listening! 
Cool.  ♥♥♥

As we headed out for our road trip
to Dresden, just after Christmas for a few days, this vehicle was parked in our driveway... 
rather strange looking driver.

Good thing we had that good laugh right at the beginning of our trip - because the weather sure wasn't very funny...  ˘︹˘
made for a very long four and half hours in the car!

I was SOOOO excited to see my wee boy immediately upon arriving in Dresden - however that didn't happen; they didn't come until just before lunch time the next day.
Major heart drop.  ಥ_ಥ

No matter; when I did get to see him:
whoa, he's so awesome -
♥♥♥  I love him totally'n completely!  ♥♥♥

We rented a great big suit so there would be room to run around and play.
Good decision by Dean.

I baked up some banana bread before we went so there would be something to nibble on while visiting, that and some cut up fruit; 
he sure seemed to enjoy it!  ʘ‿ʘ

♥♥♥ He's getting so big,
he's very polite, ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ he seems to listen well;
his mommy is doing a great job with him.
♥♥♥  '◡'

This seems to always happen when Elias sees Grampa: 
his face lights up   ◠◡◠
It's so cute - makes my heart burst every time!   

We gave him a couple of puzzle cars for Christmas, and he just loved them!  ♥♥♥
He was completely enthralled by them. 

He spent the entire afternoon:
putting them together, 
taking them apart, 
putting them back together,
putting them into their box, 
then taking them out, 
pulling them apart, 
and beginning all over again!

They had to leave fairly early, around 16:00, so we just went and wandered around Dresden alte Stadt for awhile after  -  boring.
I really just wanted to play with my wee monkinew
Oh well, I got to see him for a few hours...    ㆆ_ㆆ,

That night we got Schnee! 
Quite a bit of it too.

This is the view from out our hotel window, looking toward Fetcherplatz.


Sadly, it was still there in the morning, which meant unburying and defrosting the car when we wanted to use it later in the day - to make the four and a half hour drive home...     ό,ὸ

Laura, her brother Paul, and Elias arrived later in the morning, so we enjoyed some more of the chocolate chip banana bread, and some more cut up fruit.  
Mid-morning snack.    ^◡^

Gramma's homemade banana bread = Yumminess! 

Soooo cute    

Cut up bananas = Yumm and FUN!


♥♥♥  That's my monkinew!  ♥♥♥

Laura brought his car puzzles with them, and he thoroughly enjoyed playing with them again!
Great little toy those ones! 

Also, look in the background - 

Apparently he loves horses now; just like his daddy when he was a little one!
So cool!
*heart melt

His dexterity is so good - he sat there, pulled off each wheel, and carefully lined them up on the couch. How cute is that!?!

He played with Daddy for quite awhile - 
♥   laughing, 
  ♥   squealing, 
    ♥   and hiding.

It was way too cute.
I don't know who had more fun: 
♥   James or Elias?!    

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And of course he played with Grampa!
 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Then it was time to think about heading home.
But first we would go down to the alte Stadt for lunch before the long drive home.
So, time to tolerate the snow...
So not impressed.

I wanted to get a photo of Elias in front of the Frauenkirche.
There is a photo of Laura in front of it when she was his age, and the church was still a pile of rubble - not yet rebuilt after being destroyed in the war.
I would like a copy of that, to frame with a photo of Elias in front of it as it stands now.
Wouldn't that be awesome? 
I sure think so?!

Then it was time to have lunch, enjoy my beautiful little boy with his daddy for a little longer, and head home.
Didn't get to see him very much, considering how long it takes to get there and home again, but am thankful for every second I do get to see him!!
He is so awesome, and I love him so much it just hurts!

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