Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Frustrating Doctors Receptionist!

Oh. My Word!
I have to have the nasal surgery again - whatever.
So I made an appointment for the blood work to be done this past Monday - the receptionist screwed up and made me an appointment for the doctor instead.
Whatever, I needed to see the doctor anyway.
So then Itchy-bee (the receptionist = b with an itch) made the appointment for the blood work on Wednesday (today); I said I needed it sooner: Monday afternoon or Tuesday? 
She said no; end of discussion. 
I went this morning, and the bloodsucker, who did not speak one word of English to me, was quite annoyed. I told her I had made the appointment for Monday, and there was a mix up - she ignored me.
After the blood was all sucked out, she rattled on in German about some such thing, and the only word I understood was EKG. 
I said "EKG, yes, it's written there too, but I don't know what it is?" 
She ignored me, and walked away. 

The receptionist looked at me, roller her eyes and said "You must EKG, go mit her!" 
Fine, I went.
The bloodsucker/EKG chick rattled on in German, and pointed to my shirt and shoes. Okay, so I removed them. She said nothing, and pointed to my bra with an exasperated sigh. Fine, I removed it; she pointed to the examining table, so I climbed up. 

She began slapping some sticker things on me, making her exasperated sigh noise frequently.     I am such a bother - I get it... whatever.
She finished, plucker everything off me and says, with a flip of her hand "fertig". I happen to know the meaning of this word - finished.

The receptionist then said "You must come get at neunzehn Uhr!"

I said: "Okay - neunzehn Uhr. vielen Dank. Tschüs, schönen Tag." 
"Okay, 19:00. Thank you very much. Bye-bye, have a beautiful day."
Ha! Put that in your pipe and smoke it.   Pffft.

It's not my fault you screwed up.
It's not my fault this has to be rushed now.
It's not my fault you're a grunchy b with an itch!


Tomorrow morning I go back to the clinic in Frankfurt for a redo on the nasal surgery.
I am so not looking forward to that!

I think I will go out and do some gardening now...

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