Monday, December 30, 2013

Thesis Finished...

Well, it's done!
Dean completed his final thesis, all 8000 words of it, and it is ready to submit.
This is the finishing step to acquiring his
Masters in Leadership.
I did the final editing, he has gone to print it off - then it is just a matter of hitting the send button, and ta-da: finito.

The kitties and I did the last read through this morning at 7:30am; they were a very big help... especially when they thought they should lay on the computer because it was receiving more attention than they were. Silly kitties.

This paper needs be expanded on, dug deeper into - which can only mean one thing, naturally:
Doctoral time; time to step into the PHD program.

He writes very good papers; no wonder he only ever gets A's or higher!


Lois said...

Is this part of his masters?

Gena said...

This is the completion of his Masters.
Now on to his PHD (Doctorate).