Sunday, January 19, 2014

29th Anniversary

Woke up to a post from Dean this morning -  

What Dean doesn't realize is that he has made this journey easy, and a complete pleasure to be on. With him by my side, I feel safe and completely protected no matter where in the world we may be; I know that I have nothing to worry about, Dean is in control. Never have I felt there is something I can not have, or that some desire is unmet - he has always made sure I have whatever I may need as well as those things I merely want.
Even at my lowest point, he was right there by my side. If there was something I was physically not able to do, something I could not mentally handle, something too overwhelming in any way, he has always picked up the slack or even completely carried me through.
It is with Dean, or perhaps because of Dean, that I have become the person I am today; that I have accomplished the things I have - things twenty years ago, or in fact even ten years ago, I never would have considered: I am teaching, working with teenagers; I said I never would. I have left Canada and am living overseas; I said I never would. I lived in Asia for four years; oh my word, I said I would NEVER live there! All of these things Dean has made possible for me, and has encouraged me continuously, always, and continues to do so even after twenty nine years.
After twenty nine years I love him more; Dean, you are my best friend, my confidante, my partner, my companion, my lover, and my most cherished treasure. You are my everything.
♡ I love you completely, totally, and entirely. 


1 comment:

Lois said...

nobody human would have thought all those years ago when you both were sooooooo young that you would be in this place together today. Praise God.