Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pain Sux!

Yesterday I woke up with a sore neck and beginning of a headache. I got ready, and walked to work, in the rain; I had to be there for class at 10:00am. When I got to work, the headache was getting much stronger, and the neck pain was quite bad - so I took a muscle relaxant. About 45 minutes later it was getting much worse, so I took oxycodone.
Before the third class finished, I knew I was not going to make it the full day! I had to get through the grade six double, it was tough. I went and motioned to Dean, (he was teaching his HL maths). At this point it was a full on migraine, nausea and all. In fact I ended up leaving the class a couple of times to rush to the washroom before finishing up with the sixs.
While Dean finished up his class, I went back and sat in my room with the lights off, took an Imitrex and put the trash bin right beneath my desk. One of the grade twelve girls came in to work on her art project, so I tried to look normal - I think I failed.   -_-,
Finally Dean came and we headed home. The drive seemed to take forever and I never knew there were so many dips and bumps in the road on the way to our house!
On the way home I handed Dean my phone and said "Take a photo." I wanted to be able to send Dr. Zimmermann a picture of me, tears streaming down my face, in the middle of one of my episodes.
When I got home, as soon as I got the nausea under control again (man I hate puking with a headache!!!) I sent an email to Dr. Zimmermann:
The attached photo is me being taken home from work. I have taken three oxycodone, an imtrex, as well as some muscle relaxants. The pain is very intense.
I think we should discuss surgery

About an hour later I got a response from the good doctor:
Dear Mrs Kokonas,
hope that your pain got under control. Could you please call on Monday at around 13 p.m. for further steps.
Best regards
Michael Zimmermann

I have patiently been going along with all this natural route business - had to do it all in Singapore too before they decided to go ahead with the first form of surgery. I am finished with that; let's get down to business and fix the stupid problem NOW! I think he got the message.
So today, the day after a combination migraine/cluster headache, I of course have a day after hangover, as well as my brain feels like it is bruised! I am serious, it really feels bruised... weird. Also, my neck is still very sore. Sux.
I think the oxycodone causes my stomach to hurt; I will have to ask my family doctor about that - I need to go in to see her again anyway.
Stupid and dumb.


Lois said...

oh dear. I wish that there was something that I could do for you. Tell the good Dr. that you can no longer go on this way.

Gena said...

That's my intent - when I talk to him tomorrow!
I am so done with this... -_-,

Charlie said...

It bothers my stomach so probably just have to decide which discomfort is worse... definitely the head. Neurologists have no answers for me. I hope you have better luck.