Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Important People!

There was a time, not long ago, when you could not talk with someone who was a long distance away without spending a small fortune, let alone see them and talk to them also - for free.
I am so thankful for the technology we have today; I LOVE having face chats with my important people!
Seeing Laura while having a conversation with her, laughing and chatting, makes her seem so not far away; only thing missing is hugs.  
I also get to see my beautiful grandbaby!
We talk about very important things you know - as you see in this photo  ʘ‿ʘ

Seeing him makes my heart so happy; I just wish I could reach through the screen and hold him, and snuggle him, and hug him, and kiss him, and kiss him, and kiss him some more!   ♡♡♡

I am so thankful that things are beginning to fall into place for Laura, and that she/they can begin to formulate a plan and start things moving in the that direction! Routine is always much more comforting than scattered unsureness!

Looking forward to our next video chat!

1 comment:

Lois said...

as soon as I get my computer camera fixed I can do that also