Saturday, October 11, 2014

Me, Quilting - For Real.

Always said I wanted to try quilting,
       always said it was something I would do some day,
                 always wondered if I would enjoy it...

Well, that day has arrived,
          I am actually giving it a go,
               we'll see what happens; I hope I like it.

But ya know, who knew there was all this math involved?
I felt I must find a way around it! It has just got me confused and a bit frustrated - of course there is a simpler way to do it.  (?)

These are a few of the squares I have sewn together laid out. They are not sewn to eachother, as I have not decided how I want the finished product to look yet.
It might come together after all.

Oh, and this is what my math ended up looking like... I have
always done better with pictures than numbers!        ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

Okay, so now we'll see what happens when I work on the next quilt... wait, did I say next?

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