Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Camera and I Went For a Walk...

This was about two weeks ago, when the sky was not so grey, and the wind didn't bite you!
Wandered into the "forest" by our place. Was hoping to see some birds - nope, they were not around.
Lot's to see, and shoot though.
It was such a nice day, thus I decided to take advantage of it, and wander a little further for a wee look.

A piece of evidence; someone else had been here before me...
Perhaps a few someones? They set up a little secret hide away/alone spot. Probably more hidden when there are actually leaves on the trees! Fun.

Nice spot for a bench... not nice enough to take advantage of, unless you are clothed warmly that is.
Hard to believe some of the flowers are still out.

Back at our place, a few of my flowers were still blooming also.
Still looking very pretty; trying to hold on for a little longer.
Then around toward the backyard - Frau Carnarius had her bird feeders all filled up.
The birds were enjoying the feast.

I just love them, they are so happy! They always make me smile.

Then when I got back into the house... well, I had a new table decoration. Bad kitty, (cute though).
Now, this week, when I looked outside at the flowers in my yard... they didn't look so happy:

I didn't stay out for very long either!


Heidi said...

are those birds a type of chickadee?

Gena said...

They are from the same family - over here the family is called Meise (Myza). Same also as the Titmouse. There are quite a few of them, different ones, and they are very sweet - same as our Chickadees.
Love them!!