Monday, January 12, 2015

Wrong Decision...

Well, I think the decision to have septoplasty surgery was absolutely the wrong one!      Ⓘ.Ⓘ
My nose is just as bad, perhaps a bit worse actually, than it was before the surgery, and add to that the fact that my nose spray doesn't seem to be working any more to stop the continuous running. 
My nose is constantly runny; I mean flowing, not just dripping = frustrating!        *෴*
The past week or so I have been SO snotty, and you wouldn't believe the amount and the colour variation of the stuff I am blowing out of lately.         ⁰,⁰
I have had to go back to flushing out my nasal cavity again.
Yuck.      »,«
In fact, today I blew a little piece of bone out of my nose!      ⊙﹏☉`
What the heck?
Who flushes little pieces of bone out of their nose?
Apparently I do...      ύ.ὺ

Surgery, this time = bad decision.     -_-,


Lois said...

go back and have the Dr. check it again

Gena said...

I am going to my GP, as there is something else strange going on with my throat too... *boo