Monday, February 23, 2015

Looooooooong Trip Home!

Left Hawaii Friday evening, after four days in Canada, followed by two weeks in Arizona, and six days in Waikiki, to begin the looong journey home - I had no idea it would be as long as it ended up being though:
What should have been a 23 hour transit turned into 
27 hours!

All because of snow -
                  stupid snow! 

The schedule was:
flight from Hawaii was 9.5 hours,
layover in Newark, NewYour was to be 6 hours,
flight to Frankfurt is 7.5 hours.

(Nine and a half hour flight from Hawaii to Newark on United Air, and they didn't even give you anything to eat! Ridiculous airline)

Snow was coming down pretty steadily in Newark! 
I even commented to Dean, wondering if this would effect the departure...

Yup, it did.
There was a delay in the boarding in Newark by about an hour, then once onboard there was a problem with deicing.  

This is our plane shortly after it pulled in at our gate.
Big sucker!

The snow was falling steady and sticky.
It was wet snow, and it was falling faster than they could clean it off.

They deiced it once, but ran out of the crap they spray on, so had to go get more...
by the time they came back eveything they had sprayed was completely covered with newly fallen snow.

And obviously we weren't the only planes waiting to take off - there was a whole line-up patiently awaiting their turn. 

Some were actually not so patient on our plane.
I am sure every other plane had a few impatient passengers as well.
Wasted energy people - getting angry about something you can do nothing to change, like weather, only makes you hot and frustrated; unpleasant experience for you as well as those around you.

They had begun the first chemical application, and it was gross seeing the yuck stuff all sliding down the wing like that.  Great for the environment I am sure.

I know it is necessary, and it is better than not applying it then crashing while trying to take off, but I still think it's gross and bothersome.  ×̯×

We sat in the plane for three and a half hours waiting for them to get everything finished. 
As we sat there, the heat had to remain on, because the inside of the aircraft could not be cooled off until after the deicing chemical was completely applied. This took awhile.
Some of the passengers were NOT happy about this delay. It was getting a bit tense. I felt bed for the flight attendants, they were just as hot as we were, so I began chatting with a few of the grumpers around me, trying to make them happier; lightening up the mood - because it's what I do.       
It worked.  ≧✯◡✯≦

Once we were finally preparing for take off, you could still see the chemical sh...tuff all over the wing. Eww.   ⊙_☉

Our flight, which was scheduled for take off at 18:10, finally began take of at 21:43... just a wee bit later.

Made for a very, very long day.
Was nice to finally be on my way home.

When we finally landed in Frankfurt, seven and a half hours later, the st...uff was no longer on the wings. Guess it evaporated somewhere in the sky, between here and there.   ' .'

The airport in Frankfurt look nice and clean, so Schnee (snow) anywhere! 

However, the snow seemed to follow me home - I woke up the next morning, and it was steadily falling outside my bedroom window.   ⁰,⁰

Oh well, it's good to be home - even if only for one day; we fly to Istanbul, Turkey for one week, leaving tomorrow morning,.
Looking forward to meeting a few Turkeys.   ◠‿◠

1 comment:

Steph said...

now three quarters of the family has been stuck in Newark... dad's turn!!